Uncounted days

I took a longer break than ever during the December and January school holidays and experienced that wonderful forgetting of dates and days of the week. We caught up with local, interstate and international family and friends and relaxed according to our predilections — variously gardening, crocheting, quilting, cooking, gaming, and (of course) reading. I … Continue reading Uncounted days

What I’ve been…

What have you been up to lately? Here are some of my everyday happenings outside of work. Watching I don't watch a lot of television, but there are always a few things on the go: a show with my partner, a family movie night choice, something for downtime when reading is not hitting the spot, … Continue reading What I’ve been…

Neutral good goes to university

My teenager is into Dungeons and Dragons, and many weekends are spent planning and playing with friends. I feel an odd sense of nostalgia. I haven't played D&D so the intricacies are lost on me, but at university I hung out with role-players and recognise the lexicon that goes with that magical worldview. For the … Continue reading Neutral good goes to university