Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC Semester 2 2024

A free online higher education teaching development course open to all!

Enrol now – course starts 15th July

This course is for you if you:

  • teach in higher education anywhere in the world
  • want content designed by learning and teaching experts
  • would like to enhance your teaching and your students’ learning
  • are interested in scoping the course for your institution’s professional development offerings
  • are a sessional, contract or continuing teacher
  • want free, self-paced teaching development.

There are 24 modules (and 3 resources), with a workload of approximately 2 hours per module. Content has been created by 48 academic developers and learning designers.

Receive a digital badge and certificate (free!) if you complete a learning pathway through the course:

New to Teaching

Topics covered:Teaching your first class, Planning for learning, Diverse learners, Online learning, Feedback, Learning and teaching theories, Sessional staff, and Reflection for learning.A digital badge is available for the ‘New to Teaching’ pathway.

Enhancing student learning

Topics covered:Psychology of learners and learning, Diverse learners, Online learning, Universal design, Collaborative learning, First year transition, Work integrated learning, and Reflection for learning

Enhancing your teaching

Topics covered: Learning and teaching theories, Curriculum design, Assessment 1, Assessment 2, Peer review of teaching Academic mentoring, Managing student teams, and Scholarship of teaching

Leading learning and teaching

Topics covered: Leadership for learning and teaching, Reflection for learning, Higher educationin context, Quality assurance, Gender equity, Psychology of learners and learning, First year transition, Scholarship of teaching

Enrol now. Course starts 15th July. You may need to set up an account first.

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